
Thursday, June 03, 2004

How safe is oil supply in Saudi Arabia? It looks safe right now, but there is always the future to think about.

I wonder how long I will keep going to the Church of England with this crap going on.

Here is a real development from Iraq that will not get any play in the media. I saw the plans for the next rotations for Operation Iraqi Freedom 4 and 5 that are being firmed up, so we will be slowly moving forces out of Korea and Germany back to the states or Iraq. Then they will prepare for rotations, just like we did in Bosnia and Kosovo. The command structure is being set up for a long stay in Iraq as we did in other places. We will be there for a long time and maybe our kids will get a service ribbon for duty there.

Here is a paper from the EU that outlines how they see the future. It is a bit bloated of a pdf file, but would you expect anything less? The first page has a good summary then it dives into the philosophical quagmire.
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